Monday, June 10, 2013

Hurricane season protecting your computers


New website for  We will save you time and show you how to repair your computer on your own



Johnnie ( Jtech miami )

 Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

•   If your computer says: Printer out of Paper, this problem cannot be resolved by continuously clicking the ‘OK’ button.

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rich Cook

Hurricane season

With the hurricane season looming right around the corner, it is very important that all your computer repair solutions are in place. Anyone who has access and uses a computer regularly, knows how valuable these 20th century machines are, especially with all of our important information and precious memories we have stored on them. It is important to take the necessary steps to protect your PC and the peace of mind knowing your PC is protected. Therefore saving you time and money without having to wait for your on-line service to respond ,or have your hard disk crash. That's why we, at JTECH MIAMI COMPUTER REPAIR are HERE FOR!!! We don't just repair the problem. With the use of our monthly JTECH MIAMI computer service, we are able prevent it from breaking or being problematic in the first place!

Although this article is primarily about protecting your data, the first place you should always start is by protecting yourself. Regardless of where you live and what sort of disaster you might be facing, preparation is always key and, in the right situation, could possibly save your life. There are numerous resources online for advice and planning for emergencies and disasters, including, which is a US government public service website for spreading this very type of information. On it, you can find instructions on how to make emergency kits, create emergency plans with your family, and general information about what to expect in case of earthquake, flood, hurricanes, and many many other potential disasters. Here’s a short list of links to some of the information available.

Protect your computer during storm

Things you will need :

UPS - Due to the frequency of summer electrical storms, protecting computer equipment with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) (Battery Backup) These devices contain a battery that will provide electrical current for a short period (usually 4-15 minutes) to a computer even when the power is out.  Some UPS devices can be configured to signal a computer to initiate an orderly shutdown if the power goes out even if the user is not available to shut the computer down.  These devices have become more affordable . JTECH. will help you find the one suitable for your needs or check some of these UPS
Getting started:

  1. Back up your data and keep the copy in a safe place. 
  2. Shut down your computer and turn off your monitor. You should also turn off any peripherals, such as printers and external drives.
  3. Unplug the power cords from all devices. Miami may lose power during a storm. Surges can happen when power is restored. Unplugging from the wall will help insure the devices will be protected.
  4. Often forgotten Unplug the network cable going to your computer, as well as your printer (networked printers only) and don't forget your fax. Lightning can send voltage through these lines, possibly damaging your network cards. Although, there is grounding protection in place in most buildings  it is still a good protective measure to take.
  5. If located near a window move it or , you may want to cover your computer with a garbage bag in case water comes in. (NOTE: Be sure to unplug the power from the devices before doing so. This will insure that the computer does not overheat when power is restored.)

Keep Important Data on a Cloud Network

One very useful strategy is to upload your data to cloud-based services, provided that the services you’re uploading to don’t have servers based in the affected area. The advantage of keeping lots of your data in cloud-based services is that if you lose your PC or it gets broken, you can jump to any other machine and retrieve the bulk of your most important information.

Photo sharing websites like Flickr can be a good place to back up photos, and in case of disaster or hard drive failure, can be a good place to reclaim lost images.

I will post more on this subject later Please don't forget to signup share and like.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Online Safety for the Holiday Shopping

Online Safety for the Holiday Shopping

It's a brand new era when it comes to Holiday shopping . You would be surprised at how many of you are using your mobile phones and tablets to help gather up gifts and get the biggest bang for your hard earned bucks. You'll also be surprised at some of the hazards that come with the territory. Bottom line: You can never be too careful
American-born physicist Michio Kaku says that today our cell phones have "more computer power than all of NASA back in 1969 when it sent two astronauts to the moon." This is a startling reality into today's fast-paced world and how much processing power we possess on these little computers we carry around with us and can't live without. You may, in fact, be one of the millions who are using mobile devices for your holiday shopping needs this season. Here are some of the things we are doing:
  • Scanning bar codes is extremely popular this year. Shoppers are finding the best prices and checking out product reviews and ratings right in the store.
  • QR Codes, those maze-like looking square boxes that people scan with their mobile devices, provide customers with loads of information, from how-to videos, consumer reviews, and price comparisons.
  • Coupons are still popular as ever, but instead of cut-outs from newspapers, folks are using their mobile devices to download discount coupons. An array of apps are available like Groupon and Cellfire – that are giving savvy shoppers the upper hand in purchasing power this holiday season.
  • Location-based deal apps provide shoppers that are scurrying from one place to another the advantage of tracking deals and special sales at the exact location they happened to be at!
  • Some stores and restaurants will even provide text messages to their customers, luring them with deals, promotions, and 2-for-1ers.
  •   But with all these convenient ways to do your mobile shopping, there are risks involved. A report by Lookout, a company dedicated to safe mobile use, recently reported on their blog
    that during the first half of 2011 more than one hundred thousand phishing attacks, targeting frequently visited social networking sites like banking sites, government agencies and donation websites took place. The same source states that 1% of Facebook users have been victims of phishing attacks

    That doesn't sound like much, but if you do the math, that is upwards of over 5 million Facebook users!
    Mobile phishing attacks of this type happen more often than anyone might think, and this presents a challenge simply because it is generally more difficult to spot a phishing site on a mobile device. A Blackberry phone, for example, doesn't even display a URL bar, so there's no way to check to see if the website you've been directed to is legit or not.
    This means that this Holiday season, while using your mobile devices to search for the best deals, you need to be extra cautious that the links you're clicking and the information you're sending out is not for the benefit of crooks andscammers that want to steal your information, your identity, and your money. Scams to be aware of include:

    • Hackers are creating their own fraudulent donation sites during this season of giving; asking you to make a donation to a well-known charity that only goes to the hacker, not the charity.
    • Attackers send emails that ask you to update information on your account. Maybe it's Paypal, your bank, or a retail outlet where you have a credit card. Once you click on the link to a the web page, it may look legit, but if you look closer, the company name might be slightly off by one or two letters on the URL, or the familiar company logo might be slightly off-color or odd in some way. The page will have spaces to you to enter information that a legitimate site would never ask you for.
    • Links are popping up on Facebook and other social networking sites asking you to click, click, click, and provide all kinds of information about yourself, your accounts, and your passwords.
    • FYI Read the small print alot of fraudulant sites actually give there intentions (for leagle reason so if sued they have a fighting chance)
    Also, make sure you know who is sending you the link. If it's unknown source, it's best not to click, no matter how tempting the offer might be. If you have already clicked on a link, be sure to check the URL in your mobile browser, and try to determine if it's a real site. Remember that legitimate sites, such as the Red Cross and other disaster donation and charity sites, rarely ask you for a Pin code, drivers' license, phone number, or your date of birth. Be sure to look carefully at any site you're on. If something doesn't look right, it probably isn't. Any bank or financial services website that asks you to input account information and password should have a secure symbol – normally a lock logo in the address bar or "HTTPS" at the front of the URL address.
    You should also download an application on your mobile device that can check every website you visit to ensure your safety and the safety of your information. Your best bet is to make sure you maintain holiday safety with Norton by simply installing Norton Mobile Security. Not only does it protect you from malicious sites, but it also protects your physical mobile device if it gets lost or stolen. If you're using a Tablet for your holiday shopping, be sure to get Antivirus and antimalware protection on Norton Tablet Security.

    You have  any computer related questions visit me at 
    Let us help you do it yourself